I don't wanna move house! I'm just too comfortable here. Well it HAS been like 15years since I've moved the last time. But then if its for granny's good then I just have no choice. Then again, it's not like we're moving out forever, just for 3 years while this place gets rented out ...
omg I don't want anyone destroying my room either!!
... Well it's not confirmed anyways. I'll just see how things go, in the mean time .. I'll be clinging on to every single corner of my room for now.
I've been thinking about my future recently.. what am I going to do after poly? The most depressing topic for me ever. I've been taking it way too easy and now it's like... I have NO future. Or am I reduced to having to serve people at some stupid over priced cafe for the rest of my life? If that's the case... I'm going to go kill myself! lol. But ya.. dad was saying if we could learn at least one of granny's secrets (recipes) and open a shop we'd earn a ton of money.
Am I supposed to tend to a shop my whole life?...
But I guess it does fulfill my wishes to NEVER work in an office huh?