I passed my JLPT Level 2~!!!! ほら見ろ! ほら見ろ!! Curses to those who believed that I'd fail! Tohohoho! Look who's laughing now buggaz! XDDD
Next Level 1!!....
... this time I really gotta study for it...
On to what went on in my 'exciting' life today. Went out with my close buddies! aka gfs (I still find it hard to say that) YAAAA~ High Tea was... uck, torturous for my stomach. But all I can eat dessert? Oh yes there's ALWAYS space for dessert. I'm just one step closer to getting my legs chopped off. After that shoppinggggg... ZZzzZ and finally on to fel-chan's pad.
Man I finally know where her wacky-ness came from. Her mother. Seriously! LIKE MOTHER LIKE DAUGHTER!