Anyone who watched "Brave Heart" should go picture me screaming that word exactly the way Mel Gibson did in that movie.
ANYWAYY.. It is the holidays, it is the holidays ho-hoho-hohooooo~
Well, I KNOW I'll be failing BIS though. I didn't study, thus giving stupid answers which left my friends laughing at my answers. "Explain what is m-commerce." my answer?
'm-commerce is the opposite of e-commerce'
Uh-huh... thats all I wrote.
One more question "What is the difference between extranet and intranet?"
For this one.. I improvised, but it made absolutely no sense at all plus my answer was totally wrong. BUT what I really really truly wanted to write was... 'The difference is they are both spelled differently. Extranet is spelled with an extra in front while intranet with an intra in front."
Yea I know... I'm kinda dumb.
OHOHOH I Passed DEC! B+ whoohooo! Damn the lecturer was quick with the marking... Maybe I ain't that dumb after all~