I'm in the foulest of moods right now as I type.. My nicely planned out New Years Eve is all ruined because I have to go to uncle John's place. Who the hell is uncle john?! My dad's friend's brother. WTF.. why must I go?? Imagine a little kid who was just denied the permission to go some place he/she really wanted to go. Thats how I'm feeling right now, wanting to throw a tantrum screaming and crying like a little kid.
The best part? I just missed like three fourth of Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou and C-ute's performance in kouhaku all because I had to take a shower and get ready to leave for this uncle john's house.. And now I know I'm going to miss every other appearance by them all because I'm out.
Argh.. sucks. Now I have to be all smiles for people I barely even know. Dumb new year's eve party, everyone should just stay at home and watch tv or something.
Damn it damn it damn it.
December 31
The time has come once again to say goodbye to yet another year. Boy does time fly.. It seemed like just yesterday I was down with my friends, playing catching, soccer, catching spiders and disturbing the guards... Life was so simple then huh? I wanna go back to that period of time!!
This year was a pretty confusing one for me. Lots of unanswered questions had left me feeling lousy about myself. Questions that still lingers without an answer within my mind, and I'm going to leave it unanswered until that very day that I need it answered. No rush, I'm still young xD
And I'm not going to make any new hopes for the up coming year, just let things flow as usual. So NO NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION and crap like that. Honestly if you want things done, then do it, don't wait till it's the end of year and say shit like "Next year I'll be more ____." Thats exactly what an 'all talk no action' type of person would do.
Well, still just a tiny bit early but.. happy new year everyone.
I'm not gonna bother anymore. Seriously don't give a shit no more. I'll still be there though, but I just won't be there there.
Happy Christmas everyone.
Have a merry one.
Stefy's Fashion Icons:
 Avril Lavigne
I hate rain....
Now I can't go for that interview at borders without getting drenched.
Ah well.. might as well blog about what I did the day b4 yesterday (+ yesterday) after exams.
Stupid sia.. say wanna go club then end up not going. So we slacked around town till 10m then went home. After that, just when I was walking home Seng called asking if he and Hamiedah could come over to my house for a sleepover. After discussing for like 5 minutes, we finally decided to meet in town AGAIN, for a movie. The moment I reach home, I left my bag, changed from a T-shirt to a sweater then just grabbed my wallet and phone then left the house again. Plus I got nagged by my mom for a brief moment while my dad laughed at me.
Anyways me Seng and Ham stayed up alllllllllllll night. Till 7 in the morning. woo~
Walking down the empty streets of town was wahhhhh! Like the whole place almost belonged to you.
Thats it.. Not elaborating no more cuz the rain has stopped!!! WOoo Adios!
Anyone who watched "Brave Heart" should go picture me screaming that word exactly the way Mel Gibson did in that movie.
ANYWAYY.. It is the holidays, it is the holidays ho-hoho-hohooooo~
Well, I KNOW I'll be failing BIS though. I didn't study, thus giving stupid answers which left my friends laughing at my answers. "Explain what is m-commerce." my answer?
'm-commerce is the opposite of e-commerce'
Uh-huh... thats all I wrote.
One more question "What is the difference between extranet and intranet?"
For this one.. I improvised, but it made absolutely no sense at all plus my answer was totally wrong. BUT what I really really truly wanted to write was... 'The difference is they are both spelled differently. Extranet is spelled with an extra in front while intranet with an intra in front."
Yea I know... I'm kinda dumb.
OHOHOH I Passed DEC! B+ whoohooo! Damn the lecturer was quick with the marking... Maybe I ain't that dumb after all~
First paper ovaaa!!
yay. Plus I'm pretty confident I'll pass~
Next paperrrr... big question mark. Ah well, study tomorrow a bit and we'll see how it goes.
Oh Yes it is~
Wahhahahah!! Happy day Happy dayyyy~
Finally! Watching TV and using my lappy ain't impossible no more! Speaking of watching TV, Japan TV is grand~ The guy came to fix up our wireless plus the device that allows us to watch Japanese programs!
Well.... woooooooooooooooo0000000000000000o!! is all I can say right now.