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I don't get it.. I really don't.. I don't understand a lot of things someone please enlighten me, well I doubt anyone can help answer my questions though. But some of these questions actually bother me.
Like why on earth my mom would marry an Indian guy. Nothing against my dad or anything but I HATE Indian people.. ahh.. close to hate, excluding my family and friends who are Indian. Well maybe some of those educated Indians are fine, cuz their pretty civilized and actually cool to hang out with, but those typical Indians.. argh can't stand them. [sorry for voicing this out if anyone's offended by this]
Then there's questions like, why my mom would wanna marry a guy like my dad? Love? Infatuation? I don't see how you can get infatuated by him though. Yea I'm shooting at my dad once again, simply because he pisses me off every now and then. I don't know if he realizes, but he ALWAYS likes to say things that hurt people's feelings or just plain pisses others off like for my case. He's so sarcastic and lame, but come to think of it, I am pretty sarcastic and lame myself aren't I? Anyways, he says and does things which pisses me off (most of the time), and then acts like I'm all happy with him and stuff poking me (pretty painfully with his awfully big fingers). Which is why I sometimes thank god that he's seldom at home.
And then there's others like, why would you go to church when your like that? Uh-huh... yea yea, I know 'what kind of question if that?' right? Basically this question is particularly for one person. My sister. Seriously, why go to church? Why participate in youth religious stuff? When your character is so sucky. When you don't respect any of your elders (and I'm not referring to myself). When you don't even give a shit about your family? Does going to church really liberate you from your sorrows? or sins? If it does... SHOW IT! And for christ's sake, your going to a christian church? We're catholics do you know that?
Also questions like, why am I so fucked up? Or why is my life so....
argh never mind, don't bother.